<h1>We empower sales leaders and their teams with the <span class=clarity, perspective, knowledge and motivation to grow both personally and professionally."/>

We empower sales leaders and their teams with the clarity, perspective, knowledge and motivation to grow both personally and professionally.

We believe that media and technology sales are the economic drivers of the digital innovation we all enjoy. We also know that sales can be a challenging and solitary job. In everything we do, we aim to make every seller who engages with us feel more confident and connected.

The Washington Post
The Atlantic

Get The Drift

20 years of perspective and insights for digital sellers.

Better than the Market.

Perhaps you’re freshly back from Cannes or already have a half dozen industry conferences behind you this year. In those environments you’re trying to make the market better for your sales team: Frictionless buying, data standards, uniform measurement and making sure your offerings fit in with the most recent agency/holding company data/buying mousetraps. Over time, if you’re successful, demand will improve: the market will get better, and budgets will grow. But there remains an unanswered question: how will your team be better than the market?

The Other Side.

Yesterday at 3:26 pm, on the shore of Lake Champlain staring at the dark side of the moon during totality, I found something truly worthy to share. What kept repeating in my head was. "Tell them to start looking at it from the other side." On this side of one's career, there’s a certain clarity about what has ultimately mattered, what and who have withstood the tests of time and circumstance.

Beware of Ghosts!

Once your would-be customer has vanished into the mist, it may be too late to do anything about it. They’ve likely disappeared because they either weren’t serious about your offer in the first place, or for some reason no longer are. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get closure. And it certainly doesn’t mean you couldn’t have prevented this from happening in the first place.

This was by far the most impactful sales training I’ve ever had. I will continue to lead with empathy, courage and humility.

Doug Weaver just gets it. He always leads you to the core of the situation, helping to understand how to implement all this knowledge in any real-life situation. I wish all my teachers would be like him.

I just want to say thank you for the workshop. I looked forward to each of the sessions and got so much out of it. It’s been years since I’ve come away from any sales training with this much practical technique that I’ve quickly put into action.

Your lessons and words from our virtual session are really impacting me. I can’t stop thinking about personal trainer vs bartender! I have spoken and dug deeper on this with my business coach, used it as a vision with my woman's accountability small group, and #hashtagged it on LI. It's hitting me hard for so many reasons. I've also used a lot of your recommendations with email look, verbiage, and format. Love it so much. Thank you for all you have taught me, it's pretty special.

Thank you, Doug for an awesome workshop! Though I’ve done your training before I came away with a bunch of new ideas and tactics, I’m already using on calls today – end your meeting with questions (not answers). Prepare ahead of time what they might say and what your follow up questions will be to get the information you need! I’m so glad the new members of my team got to take your workshop. I know they have learned a ton of great strategies over the sessions that they are putting to work in their meeting prep and execution. This will continue to pay dividends for our team in the months and years ahead so saying I/we appreciate it is an understatement!

I wanted to thank you for the very productive training curriculum. I have been in sales coming up on 20 years and while some of the sales strategies were familiar, the timing and way it was presented has been invaluable as I onboard. I have already leveraged your email template and diagnosis for quite a few partners and have found the response rate higher than what I've  experienced with "cold" mailing. You are a true professional and coach and I feel fortunate to work for a company who invests in learning and development.

This was the second time through your course. The first time  REALLY challenged me. It made me think, stretched me, made me sweat. What's astonishing is that a lot of the  elements stuck and it changed my sales approach. This time through was a great refresher to polish some bad habits. A rebalance and a way to continue being effective and I think most importantly go about sales confidently. Thank you for helping build this foundation.

Just wanted to say thank you for hosting your training sessions for our team. I appreciate the humility and personal touch you put into all advised sales approaches and while I always strive to do the same, I learned a lot that I hope to emulate in my own sales strategy. While I hope we’re not selling behind the screen for that much longer, your process certainly helps me feel more empowered – no matter what the meeting type may be!

It was great to engage with other teammates across the country and dive into a new selling style and skill set together! These exercises are keeping us close and moral high!

Great tips for how to convey emotion, empathy and connection while using a screen.

I plan to incorporate immediately into decks that I am working on for screen sharing calls with brands.

Want to sincerely thank you for today's screen-to-screen selling session. In the current environment these (screen-to-screen sales calls) are difficult… it was great to get your perspective.

Thank you! I took copious notes watching how you drew the questions out of the sellers and had them help one another. That experience will be invaluable as we guide them through the process over the coming weeks and months, and help them learn from each other. I am forever grateful for all I've learned from you over the years!

Definitely helped improve my virtual meeting skills - I feel better positioned to set up video meetings with clients/prospects and now know how to prepare for them and make sure everyone benefits from them. I can see myself utilizing video more in the future.

Doug was an amazing instructor and I appreciated his pivot to curriculum during this time. I liked the concise and to the point presentation style which sparks engagement. Fresh look on how to connect and interact with clients and brands.

Thank you so much for the incredible screen-to-screen training session. That was officially our very first external training and you have set the bar high for anything we do in the future. The content was timely, actionable and tremendously helpful.

This was a great training, Doug has some very useful content and it provided some great thinking for how we structure. The interaction with other reps was helpful as it is always good to see how others do things.

I liked the idea of focusing on experience management and structure/ flow when first starting a presentation. I will definitely be utilizing the tips from the presentation such as setting clear expectations for the presentation, be specific with discovery/research, and continue asking a lot of questions.

Loved the tips in cheat sheet for attendees, keeping e-mails down to one mobile screen, phrase cloud, and 5x slide process.