What I'd Like to Hear at Ad:tech NYC
I'm at the airport about to fly down to NYC for tomorrow's Ad:tech Conference in New York. I've got my agenda spread out before me, highlighted and annotated, and I'm coming to the show with a number of…
I'm at the airport about to fly down to NYC for tomorrow's Ad:tech Conference in New York. I've got my agenda spread out before me, highlighted and annotated, and I'm coming to the show with a number of…
"It's a series of tubes.." The late Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was roundly ridiculed by when he used this phrase to describe the internet in a senate committee hearing on net neutrality. And while…
Maybe it was autumn summer lingering on the West side of Manhattan. Or the dim house lights being punctuated by all those virtual Zippo lighters among the crowd at the PubMatic Ad Revenue 2010 Conference.…
In preparing for a panel on publisher data policy at last week's PubMatic Ad Revenue 2010 conference, the subject of crack cocaine came up in conversation with one of my panelists. As in, "Publishers don't…
At last week's MIXX Conference in New York, two top Google Executives -- Neal Mohan, vice president of product management and Barry Salzman, managing director of media and platforms -- offered up seven…
Over the last three weeks, I've posted on several new "plays" that the media seller can run once the "transactional" side of our business — the buying and selling of "holes in pages" — becomes…
Over the last two weeks, I've posted on several new "plays" that the media seller can run once the "transactional" side of our business — the buying and selling of "holes in pages" — becomes fully…
In last week's post -- "The New Playbook" -- I spoke of several new "plays" that the media seller can run once the "transactional" side of our business -- the buying and selling of holes in pages -- becomes…
Feeling a little squeezed by technology? DSPs got you down? Want to exchange the exchange-driven marketplace for something a bit more hospitable? You're not alone. On Tuesday November 2nd at Manhattan's…
At the risk of making The Drift seem like the Digerati version of Oprah's Book Club, I need to add a recently consumed-- although not new -- book to my strongly recommended list of "must reads." Blue Ocean…
Those who've read my paper and subsequent posts on "The Oreo Doctrine" will recall that it breaks the digital advertising and marketing business down into two distinct paths: Transaction and Marketecture.…
The Web as we know it is over....time to throw away your browser and calmly evacuate via the nearest lighted exit. There's a new game in town and you don't want to be the last clueless executive betting…